
20+ Free Google Docs Invoice Templates

Large companies have a separate employee who handles financial documentation and issues invoices. Small businesses and freelancers can’t always hire a professional to create invoices because it’s expensive. Creating a document on your own takes a lot of time. But you still need to have time to do your primary activities. That is why we recommend using google docs invoice templates. We have prepared TOP 20 layouts using which you can quickly issue invoices to customers.

Independent Contractor Invoice Template

The template is made by designers specifically for freelancers. It has all the necessary sections for comfortable work. But the main thing is a stylish, bright design that can be customized.

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Small Business Invoice Template

Designers developed this template specifically for small businesses. It is easy to fill out and can it be saved in any convenient format.

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 Self Employed Invoice Template

The self-employed do not have free time to prepare invoices, so an invoice template free google docs was created specifically for them. Add your photo, fill in the details and you’re done!

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 Invoice Template By AND

The template is suitable for both those who provide their services and those who sell goods. It’s designed to be easy for you to complete and easy for customers to figure out how to pay.

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Photography Invoice Template

Would you like to be remembered by customers? Create not only cool photos, but also branded invoices.

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Rental Invoice Template

To rent out property, cars or equipment, you definitely need to issue an invoice. With free invoice template google docs you can do it several times faster!

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 Catering Invoice Template 

A great option for those who are engaged in catering. Using the template is convenient, and the structure of the invoice takes into account the specifics of the business.

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Basic Invoice Template

Do you want a simple yet stylish invoice design? This template is perfect for you.

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Freelance Invoice Template

Another great bright option for freelancers.

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 Sample invoice template

The template contains only the most required fields. The design of the layout is both simple yet elegant.

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Work Invoice Template

Template for invoice google docs combines a simple and clear structure with a stylish design in a lilac color.

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Invoice Templates for Google Docs

Laconic layout that is suitable for business in any field.

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Modern Invoice Template

Would you like to be in trend? Then you will definitely like this template. It is bright, stylish and at the same time structured.

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Template By Invoice Ocean

Another concise invoice option for those who like a discreet design.

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Simple Invoice Template

When you need to issue an invoice quickly, this invoice google doc template is perfect.

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Invoice Technology Template

Invoice template for google docs соcontains all the sections that should be in a classic invoice.

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Consulting Invoice Template

The template was developed by designers specifically for those who give private consultations on business, finance, education, etc


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Invoice Template for Your Company 

Another extremely simple and concise option. You will be able to use both online layout and google docs invoice template download

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Invoice Template For Google Docs & Word

A bright template is perfect for startups and freelancers. Companies that want to be in trend will also like it.

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 Invoice Template By Cashboard 

The most simple and easy to understand downloadable invoice template google docs.

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Use google docs invoice templates and make work with your financial documentation easier. With the help of templates, you can issue invoices to customers on your own in just a couple of minutes. It is especially convenient that the finished invoice can be saved in a convenient format and sent by e-mail or printed and sent by mail.


Invoice Templates for Google Docs

Have you ever felt discomfort caused by the necessity to complete difficult accounting manipulations representing a mandatory part of any company’s activities?! These thoughts and experiences can turn into the crucial motivation to delegate these duties to an accountant or financier. 

Such a solution to the issue requires the additional financial resources to pay these specialists for their work. You can avoid these issues with the use of the invoice template Google Docs. The website with these files can give you additional opportunities supporting you to control finances correctly. 

The advantages of these templates include an intuitive interface to meet the needs of the users with the different preferences and aspirations. The templates can turn into a foundation for the development of the various types of the invoices involving:

  • Simple invoice
  • Contractor invoice
  • Service invoice
  • Freelance invoice

Your clients will receive the invoices based on generally accepted financial requirements. The free invoice template Google Docs will become an integral detail of all your business procedures as the main way to save time and money. The creation of this type of document will take a few minutes and clicks without the need to interrupt the main work process.

 This approach is especially important when it comes to the timely payment for prompt delivery of products and provision of services. The freelance work mode does not imply a large number of workers performing different functions. One specialist should demonstrate a high level of productivity in all areas. You will no longer need to wait for a response from an outsourcing specialist to generate an invoice. 

The use of freelance invoice template Google Docs will take you to the next level of professional development. Do not lose your chance to use the benefits of innovative technologies for the improvement of your business. These templates can turn into your personal way to increase the efficiency of the working process by simplifying the performance of certain tasks dedicated to the generation of invoices. 

You can save financial resources on hiring such a full-time specialist by performing his functionality without special skills and the need to pass specialized training. All business processes require attention to the details. The design of the invoices and any kinds of the financial documents matters.

The unusual design of the invoices is a great opportunity to show the high level of the company’s creativity. Stay unique in all business processes and situations. You should make every effort to popularize the aesthetics and uniqueness of your company through the use of all possible methods.

Development and management of any project is a complex and multilevel process requiring maximum concentration and professionalism. The financial aspects have a strong influence on the preparation, launch, and management of any project. The presence of the well-thought-out financial background represents a basis for the stable working process. The use of the templates can solve this issue.

Invoice Templates: where to use

You can use the simple invoice template Google Docs in any area of activity by fulfilling a wide range of the needs of the different categories of individuals. You can introduce them into your working process to:

  • Save money and time
  • Avoid the need to hire outsourcing specialist
  • Optimize working process
  • Delegate this responsibility to other professionals

Standard and conservative designs for files have always caused negative emotions. They do not show the unique details of the company by becoming one more routine file causing no positive mood. You can change this approach through the use of a template with the advanced options for their editing by surprising your clients with a creative way to work. The development of these kinds of documents will not take a lot of time and effort.

This approach does not destroy necessary rules for creating such a category of financial records. You can enjoy the benefits of the templates. The quality and professionalism of the results does not always depend on the time spent on a specific task. The dominance of the necessary skills and experience give the specialist a chance to achieve the desired outcomes in the shortest possible period.

The use of service invoice template Google Docs is the best method to acquaint the client with the list of completed tasks and their costs. You can improve the level of your effectiveness and competitiveness through the optimization of routine tasks and processes. Do not lose your ability to enjoy the achievement of the innovative progress showing an ability to use the ready-made templates for creating invoices. 

Every individual will find advantages during active use of the templates developed to simplify the working procedures for specialists from different areas of activity. The presence of the contractor invoice template Google Docs in the gallery is one more confirmation of this idea.

This method can take your communication with the client to a better level by providing you with the additional opportunities to concentrate on the services. The template includes all necessary options to minimize the time and effort spent on preparation of the invoices representing an integral part of any professional working process. 

The minimum amount of detail and concentration on the main nuances represents a prerequisite for the organization of the productive working process. The same approach can increase the level of comprehensibility of any document. The templates are a perfect format of the document involving only crucial points and significant nuances. 

You will obtain a chance to pay attention to the main directions of business development by avoiding high workload associated with paperwork. You should not give up the benefits of innovative technologies providing you with an opportunity to save time creating invoices with the minimum number of details and features.

How to use Invoice templates

The use of the invoice template Google Docs requires minimum actions to obtain the documents of the high quality that can meet your needs and preferences. You should:


  • Find the needed template on the website with the help of the intuitive interface
  • Edit it independently or with the support of colleagues by using the options of the shared access
  • Use the ready document that includes all necessary details and changes made by you in a few clicks


The use of a preform with the free invoice template Google Docs is your guarantee of more conscious financial costs that you can plan. It can include any kinds of data involving cost of services and goods, project deadlines, and nuances of all processes. 

The gallery with the templates can meet the needs of the different users by taking into account the preferences of different individuals. This approach greatly simplifies the order management process by both the customer and the contractor. In this case, you can use the templates by introducing a minimum number of changes.

 At the same time, you can modify any aspect of the working process by obtaining a financial economy or getting a larger range of services. Your spending will never go beyond the budget by avoiding the feeling of stress and lack of control over the situation. An opportunity to save time and effort is a priority for any highly paid specialist expressing an aspiration to focus on completing the main task.

 The templates will be useful for the specialist’s in the different areas of business to communicate with the clients for further receipt of remuneration. This action algorithm can save you time to take more orders and improve the quality of interaction with customers. The procedure will take the minimum amount of time requiring automatic and systematic actions that do not require effort. 

Your business can get many benefits from using free templates. You will enjoy this approach to work from the first minutes of using templates. Do not waste your chance to increase the level of the competitiveness and customer focus to achieve the new level of professional development. 

The use of this online resource with the templates will turn into an integral part of your labor routine to improve the positions of your business in the market for the sale of services and goods. This approach will have a positive impact on the level of the work productivity and effectiveness. 

The templates have a wide range of the additional options to make the working process as simple as possible. Such types of invoices have the correct structure and all the necessary information to receive payment from the client. The self-employed invoice template Google Docs can solve a wide range of the issues common for the individual entrepreneurs and businessmen.